Creating public ftp on XAMPP at ubuntu linux

If you want to use ftp://localhost anonymously e.g. without any user and password on your xampp server at ubuntu or linux mint distro then please follow the steps below. 1. Enter the command to edit: sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf 2. Copy the following scripts and paste into bottom of that file – # A basic anonymous configuration, no…

Set custom screen resolution on Manjaro (Arch Linux based) distro

1. First install xorg-xrandr package if xrandr does not work 2. Create 10-dellmonitor.conf file under /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory 3. Enter the following lines in that file and saveSection “Monitor”    Identifier “VGA1”    Modeline “Dell” 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync    Option “PreferredMode” “Dell”EndSection 4. Reboot the computer

Basic git commands

Get git version: Set global user name: Set global email: Clone a repository: git clone To get up to date from remote repo: git pull Check git status: git status To initialize: git init To stage edited files: git add . To commit the changes: git commit -m “Changing summary” To set a remote…

Arch Linux installation

Drive Partitioning and Formattingcfdisk /dev/sdamkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1mkswap /dev/sda2swapon /dev/sda2mount /dev/sda1 /mnt Packages Installationping google.comnano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist Bangladesh and Singapore Mirrors only pacstrap /mnt base linux grub nano dhcpcd htop sudogenfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstabarch-chroot /mntpasswd Time and Language settings (It could be done after the installation too)ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dhaka /etc/localtimenano /etc/locale.gen en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 locale-gennano /etc/locale.conf LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Network…

Setup Google Chrome on Manjaro 20 (Arch Linux)

1. The base-devel and git packages are needed to installed google chrome on Manjaro 20 Xfce. Enter the following command to install base-devel package.sudo pacman -Syu base-devel –needed 2. Get AUR chrome package and install it by the following commands.git clone google-chromemakepkg -slssudo pacman -U google-chrome-83.0.4103.61-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 3. Open Google Chrome from the Start Menu.

Docker and Docker-Compose Installation on Raspberry Pi 4

Please follow the steps below for Docker and Docker-Compose Installation on Raspberry Pi 4: # Get the official installation scriptsudo apt updatesudo apt upgradecurl -fsSL -o get-docker.shsudo sh # To run docker commands without using sudosudo usermod -aG docker $USERsudo reboot # To verify dockerdocker version # To install docker-compose (specially on raspberry)sudo…

Setting Authentication Middleware for Name Group Route in Laravel 10

লারাভেলের Name Group Route -এ Authentication Middleware সেট করতে:Route::middleware([‘auth’])->name(‘user.’)->group(function () {    Route::get(‘/u/profile’, function () {        print “User Profile”;    })->name(‘profile’);     Route::get(‘/u/dashboard’, function () {        print “User Dashboard”;    })->name(‘dashboard’);});

Tweak for custom Login, Registration and Email Verification in Laravel 10

1. If your Email Verification Link is generating a http instead of https URL then, add the following line in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file.public function boot(): void{    URL::forceScheme(‘https’);} 2. If you are using https protocol to reverse proxy or load balancer then, edit the following line in app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php file.protected $proxies = ‘*’;