Add vHost at XAMPP on Linux Mint 19.2

sudo nano +488 /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf Uncomment: Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.confInsert the following lines: <VirtualHost *:80>     DocumentRoot “/home/user/Documents/myweb”     ServerName myweb     ErrorLog “logs/myweb-error.log”     CustomLog “logs/myweb-access.log” combined     <Directory “/home/user/Documents/myweb”>         Require all granted        AllowOverride All     </Directory> </VirtualHost> sudo nano /etc/hostsInsert: …

Git to Bluehost: Uploads web files to the Bluehost shared hosting server from local repository using Git

First of all you need to enable SSH service for your hosting. You can contact bluehost customer service for that. Now let’s go to the main point. Suppose you’ve a website project on your PC named coderoffice and you use git to manage the project. Now you can take the advantage. You can easily update your website…

Setup screen resolution on deepin 15.11 – The method works on login screen and all user accounts too

1. Open terminal and enter the following command:sudo nano /etc/my-resolution.sh2. Write all the following lines and save the file: #!/bin/bash# My Resolution Settings – 1920×1080 60Hz for Dell monitorxrandr –newmode “Dell” 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsyncxrandr –addmode VGA1 Dellxrandr –output VGA1 –primary –mode Dellexit 03. Make the file executable:…

Setup Google Chrome on Manjaro 20 (Arch Linux)

1. The base-devel and git packages are needed to installed google chrome on Manjaro 20 Xfce. Enter the following command to install base-devel package.sudo pacman -Syu base-devel –needed 2. Get AUR chrome package and install it by the following commands.git clone google-chromemakepkg -slssudo pacman -U google-chrome-83.0.4103.61-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 3. Open Google Chrome from the Start Menu.

Auto mount a drive on Arch Linux

1. Get the UUID of the partition by the following commandsudo blkid 2. Create a directory where you want to be mounted/shown the filesmkdir mydrive 3. Open the fstab file to be mounted the drive automatically on system startupsudo nano /etc/fstab 4. Paste the following line end of the fstab file after checking the Note below.UUID=561B-01A3 /home/username/mydrive  vfat  defaults,umask=000  0 2…