Mounting an NTFS Drive on Linux Debian Server
Here I have described that, how to mount an NTFS drive on linux debian server.
First Login to your account
Install ntfs-3g app
sudo apt install ntfs-3g
See the list of all drives
sudo fdisk -l
Suppose you want to mount /dev/sda8
Create a sub-directory for that drive inside the media directory
sudo mkdir /media/mydrive
Open and edit the fstab file for mounting
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Enter the following line into fstab file at the bottom and save the file
/dev/sda8 /media/mydrive ntfs-3g defaults 0 2
Reboot the system or just enter the command
mount -a
Done! You can open the drive by simply entering –
cd /media/mydrive
UUID is recommended and faster instead of using /dev/sda8 So, to get the UUID of the drive just enter
sudo blkid
Suppose your UUID of the drive is UUID=”423HJH3423-GJHGJ42342″ then you have to enter the following line into fstab file and save
UUID=423HJH3423-GJHGJ42342 /media/mydrive ntfs-3g defaults 0 2