Auto mount a drive on Arch Linux

1. Get the UUID of the partition by the following commandsudo blkid

2. Create a directory where you want to be mounted/shown the filesmkdir mydrive

3. Open the fstab file to be mounted the drive automatically on system startupsudo nano /etc/fstab

4. Paste the following line end of the fstab file after checking the Note below.UUID=561B-01A3 /home/username/mydrive  vfat  defaults,umask=000  0 2

5. Reboot the system and browse the location where you mounted.


The /home/username/mydrive is a full path where you want to be mounted the drive, so you can change it.

Here vfat is the file system type. You must change it according your file system type.

The umask=000 permits every user to read and write files on the drive. It’s optional so you can leave it if you don’t want to.

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