Laravel application settings for Load-balancer or Proxy Server

If your laravel application is running behind the Proxy Server or the Load-Balancer then you should follow these settings.

Even, if the proxy server or Load-balancer receives https:// requests from global users and your app server receives http:// requests from the proxy or LB then you should follow these steps too.

  1. You need to allow the proxies. To allow all proxies enter the follwing codes in your ./bootstrap/app.php file.
->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
        // trust all proxy
        $middleware->trustProxies(at: '*');

2. You need to force all the requests using secured protocol. Open ./app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file and enter the following codes.

public function boot(): void
     // Force HTTPS in production
     if ($this->app->environment('production')) {

You may need to re-cache the config file by entering,

php artisan config:cache

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